John Alexander

Director, Financial Adviser
Socially Responsible Investing
KiwiSaver Advice
Planned Charitable Giving
UK Pension Transfers
Classic Investment Portfolios & Returns
Portfolio Management & Financial Planning 27 4777 35003 4779270

John has an extensive background in financial planning and corporate finance. For the 17 years Prior to establishing Highgate Partners in late 2021 with Fraser Richardson, John had been the senior adviser and a director of another firm of financial advisers in Dunedin. Over that period, John was instrumental in developing the business into one of the foremost independent financial advisory firms in the Otago region.

Prior to entering the financial advisory profession, John held senior finance roles at Reuters New Zealand Limited and the Otago Polytechnic.

John graduated from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Commerce and has been a Chartered Accountant since 1985 and qualified as an authorised financial adviser in 2008.

Outside of work, John is an avid sportsman with his main passions these days being tennis and golf. Apart from participating, John is also a long term board member of Tennis Otago and the Dunedin Indoor Sports Venue Trust (The Edgar Centre) and is heavily involved in the Stevenson Tennis Centre redevelopment at Logan Park. John is married with a grown up son and whenever the opportunity arises will head off to enjoy time in Naseby at the family crib.

Throughout his career John has had a passion for investment and sees education from an early age as critical to improving New Zealanders’ commitment to and level of savings in the future. John is a Financial Adviser (FA) and his FSP Registration number is FSP41448.

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